Shimura Varieties, Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms
发布者: Ningbo Lu
主讲人: Professor Takayuki Oda (University of Tokyo, Japan)
活动时间: 从 2016-03-10 13:00 到 2016-03-17 14:00
场地: Room 1114, Science Building 1, Peking University
Title: Elliptic modular curves and elliptic modular forms
Time: 2016-3-10 13:00-14:30
Title: Matrix coefficients of discrete series representations of SU(3,1) as reproducing kernel,I .
Time: 2016-3-11 15:00-16:00
Title: Siegel modular varieties of genus two
Time: 2016-3-14 13:00-14:30
Title: Matrix coefficients of discrete series representations of SU(3,1) as reproducing kernel, II.
Time: 2016-3-17 13:00-14:00