International Conference on Probability and Stochastic Analysis
发布者: He Liu
活动时间: 从 2023-10-16 09:00 到 2023-10-20 17:30
场地: 北京大学智华楼文远堂
Ilia Binder (Toronto)Erwin Bolthausen (U. Zurich)
Xinxin Chen (Beijing Normal Univ.)
Amir Dembo (Stanford)
Yu Deng (USC)
Tadahisa Funaki (BIMSA)
Christophe Garban (Lyon)
Vadim Gorin (Berkeley)
Martin Hairer (EPFL & Imperial)
Lujing Huang (Fujian Normal Univ.)
Juan Li (Shandong Univ.)
Xue-Mei Li (EPFL & Imperial)
Eyal Lubetzky (NYU Courant)
Terry Lyons (Oxford)
Chuck Newman (NYU Courant)
Felix Otto (MPI Leipzig)
Eviatar Procaccia (Technion)
Wei Qian (City U. Hong Kong)
Remi Rhodes (Marseille)
Pierre-Francois Rodriguez (Imperial)
Gordon Slade (UBC)
Allan Sly (Princeton)
Hao Wu (Tsinghua)
Lian Wu (Central South Univ.)
Xiangchan Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Titles and Abstracts