Workshop on Emerton-Gee Stack
活动时间: 从 2019-09-06 09:00 到 14:30
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,镜春园78号院(怀新园)77201室
Organizers: Yiwen Ding, Yongquan Hu, and Liang Xiao
Speaker: Haoran Wang (Tsinghua University)
Title: Introduction to Breuil--Kisin modules
Abstract: I will introduce Breuil--Kisin modules, which shares several important features with the (phi, Gamma)-modules, describing the local Galois representations, yet preserving good integrality properties.
Speaker: Alexandre Pyvovarov (Morningside Center of Mathematics)
Title: Introduction to Breuil--Kisin--Fargues modules.
Abstract: I will introduce Breuil--Kisin--Fargues modules, which are used as an essential ingredient in the construction of Emerton--Gee stack.
Speaker: Liang Xiao (Peking University)
Title: Introduction to Emerton--Gee stack.
Abstract: I will give a quick introduction to Emerton--Gee stack, explaining its key features, and discuss several applications.
Schedule: September 6, 2019
9:00--10:20 Haoran Wang
10:40-- 12:00 Alexandre Pyvovarov
13:10--14:30 Liang Xiao