Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Jul 12
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Symplectic geometry and rationally connected variety
主讲人 : Zhiyu Tian
Jun 03
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Gromov--Witten invariants of orbifold projective lines and quasi-modular forms
主讲人 : Prof. Todor Milanov, Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo
May 27
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Algebraic geometry of A-twsited topological string theory of Landau Ginzburg type
主讲人 : Prof. Chang Huai-Liang, The Hongkong University of Science and Technology
May 20
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Mirror symmetry and smoothing surface singularities
主讲人 : Mark Gross
May 13
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Riemann-Hilbert problem, Birkhoff's problem and integrable deformation II
主讲人 : Prof. Huijun Fan
May 06
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Riemann-Hilbert problem, Birkhoff's problem and integrable deformation
主讲人 : Prof. Huijun Fan
Apr 29
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Conifold transitions between Calabi-Yau threefolds
主讲人 : Xu Jinxin
Apr 22
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Tropical curves in dimension 2 II
主讲人 : Guo Shuai, TsingHua University
Apr 22
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Orbifold Elliptic Genus, vertex algebra and LG/CY correspondence
主讲人 : Guo Shuai, TsingHua University
Apr 15
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Tropical curves in dimension 2
主讲人 : Guo Shuai, TsingHua University
- 会议
- 短期课程
- 综合报告
- 讨论班
- Algebra
- Analysis Research Interaction Team
- Algebraic Geometry
- Applied & Computational Math
- Bio-Math Seminar
- Biostatistics
- Computational Method
- Dynamical Systems
- Eastern Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics
- Geometric Analysis
- Logic
- Mathematical Imaging Science
- Number Theory
- Operations Research
- PDE/Analysis
- Postdoc Seminar
- Probability and Stochastic Process
- Representation Theory and Quantum Math
- Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Topology
- Others
- 访问项目
- 特别学术活动