The A_n geometry
Speaker(s): Feng Wang (Peking University)
Time: 00:00-00:00 October 28, 2011
Venue: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai (全斋), New location for BICMR, Peking University
Title: The A_n geometry
Time: Friday October 28, 2011, 15:15-17:15 pm
Speaker: Feng Wang (Peking University)
Venue: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai (全斋), New location for BICMR, Peking University
Abstract: In this talk, I will give the basic knowledge of the Donaldson-Thomas invariant. In particular, I will give some interesting characters of this invariant when the target is A_n × P1. Here A_n is the minimal resolution of the A_n singularity, and the equivariant Donaldson-Thomas invariant is considerd.