Perturbation of Symplectic Invariants
Time: 2017-03-02
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Speaker(s): Dr. Zhang Jun (Tel Aviv University, Isreal)
Time: 15:10-17:10 March 7, 2017
Venue: Room 9, Quan Zhai, BICMR
Abstract: This is a talk on an introduction of various symplectic
invariants and its related Hamiltonian dynamics questions. First, I will
do a quick summary of current well-known invariants including spectral
invariant, symplectic capacities, boundary depth, symplectic
quasi-state, etc., with their related questions in Hofer geometry. Then I
will demonstrate a relatively uniform method with keyword,
perturbation, that how these invariants can be used to answer some of
these questions. Finally, I will mention my own work on a new
perturbation technique to reprove many old results and also pose some
new questions. Some background on Hamiltonian Floer theory are