- Speaker(s)北京国际数学研究中心
- DateFrom 2011-07-24 To 2011-08-13
- Venue北京国际数学研究中心
1. 数论在编码密码中的应用,主讲人:冯克勤(清华大学)
2. 密码函数,主讲人:李超(国防科技大学)
3. Lectures On The Subset Sum Problem,主讲人:万大庆(University of California-Irvine)
Abstract: One of the most important and difficult problems in both mathematics and computer science is whether NP is equal to P. All the hundreds of celebrated NP-complete problems are equivalent to each other under polynomial time reduction.
In this lecture series, we will choose one of the simplest NP-complete problems, namely, the subset sum problem for an abelian group, as the starting point. We try to give a systematic study of the subset sum problem, including its algorithms, complexity and applications in coding theory,
cryptography and additive number theory.
As the subset sum problem is NP-complete, one cannot expect a satisfactory solution in general. In applications, the subset sum problem usually comes with additional structures (algebraic or combinatorial). These structured subset sums remain useful and in fact often more useful in applications! These additional structures make it possible to use mathematical tools to gain non-trivial information.
We shall give lots of examples and applications. As this is a relatively new and ongoing subject, there are plenty of opportunities for further works. We hope some of the interested students can get involved in proving some new results during the course of the summer school, and hence contribute to the development of the subject.
8:30—11:30 |
14:00—17:00 |
7月25日 |
李超(密码函数) |
报告:丁存生(秘密共享1) |
7月26日 |
万大庆 (Lectures On The Subset Sum Problem) |
报告:颜松远 (整数分解的历史,方法和应用) |
7月27日 |
李超 (密码函数) |
报告:丁存生(秘密共享2)14:00—16:00 符方伟(网络编码)16:00—17:00 |
7月28日 |
万大庆 (Lectures On The Subset Sum Problem) |
7月29日 |
李超(密码函数) |
8月1日 |
李超(密码函数) |
报告:王丽萍(序列的综合算法) |
8月2日 |
万大庆 (Lectures On The Subset Sum Problem) |
8月3日 |
李超(密码函数) |
报告: (密码与身份验证) |
8月4日 |
万大庆 (Lectures On The Subset Sum Problem) |
8月5日 |
李超(密码函数) |
冯克勤(数论在编码密码中的应用) |
8月8日 |
冯克勤 (数论在编码密码中的应用) |
报告:廖群英 (有限域的正规基) |
8月9日 |
万大庆 (Lectures On The Subset Sum Problem) |
冯克勤(数论在编码密码中的应用) |
8月10日 |
冯克勤 (数论在编码密码中的应用) |
8月11日 |
万大庆 (Lectures On The Subset Sum Problem) |
冯克勤(数论在编码密码中的应用) |
8月12日 |
冯克勤 (数论在编码密码中的应用) |