Speaker(s): 吴建福教授(美国乔治亚理工学院)
Time: 00:00-00:00 May 8, 2012
Venue: 北京国际数学研究中心报告厅(未名湖北岸82号甲乙丙,全斋西边)
Title: Post-Fisherian Experimentation: from Physical to Virtual
Speaker: 吴建福教授(美国乔治亚理工学院)
Venue: 北京国际数学研究中心报告厅(未名湖北岸82号甲乙丙,全斋西边)
Time: 2012年5月8日下午2:00-3:00
Abstract: Experimental design has been a scientific discipline since the founding work of Fisher. During the 80-year history, its development has been largely dominated by work in physical experiments. With advances in high-performance computing and numerical modeling, virtual experiments on a computer have become viable. This talk will highlight some major developments (physical and virtual) in this long period. Fisher’s principles (replication, randomization, blocking) will be reviewed, together with principles (effect hierarchy, sparsity, heredity) for factorial experiments. A fresh look at interactions and effect aliasing will be provided, with some surprisingly new insights on an age-old problem. Robust parameter design, another significant development which focuses on variation modeling and reduction, will be mentioned. Turning to computer experiments, the key differences with physical experiments will be highlighted. These include the lack of replication errors which entails new governing principles other than Fisher’s and the use of space-filling designs instead of fractional factorials. There are two strategies for modeling and analysis: based on Gaussian processes or on function approximations. These seemingly conflicting approaches can be better linked by bringing a stochastic structure to the numerical errors. Throughout the talk, real experiments/data, ranging from manufacturing to nano technology, will be used for illustration.
演讲人简介:吴建福(C.F. Jeff Wu)先生于1971年毕业于台湾大学数学系,1976年在加州大学伯克利分校获统计学博士学位。先后执教于威斯康星大学、滑铁卢大学和密执安大学,现任乔治亚理工学院工程统计讲座教授。 吴建福教授的研究领域为实验设计和工程统计,发表论文140多篇,出版专著两部,指导博士生37名。他是美国工程院院士,中央研究院院士,1987年获COPSS奖,2011年应邀做 COPSS Fisher演讲,并将在2012年JSM上做Deming演讲。早在上个世纪八十年代他就和国内同行交流合作,近年来多次访问中科院,积极提携年轻学者。