Extremely Amenable Automorphism Groups of Countable Structures
Speaker(s): Gao Su (Nankai University)
Time: 16:00-17:00 November 12, 2024
Venue: Room 77201, Jingchunyuan 78, BICMR
Gao Su received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Peking University and his Ph.D. from UCLA. He is currently a Chair Professor at Nankai University and has previously held positions as a Chancellor's Professor, Chair of the Mathematics Department, and Dean of the College of Sciences at the University of North Texas, USA. His primary research areas are mathematical logic, foundations of mathematics, and their applications in other branches of pure mathematics. Using descriptive set theory, he has investigated the complexity of classification problems across various fields in mathematics, solving several significant open problems. His achievements span multiple mathematical branches including algebra, geometry, topology, functional analysis, and dynamical systems, and have been published in top international mathematics journals such as Inventiones Mathematicae.