Spring School on Critical Singular SPDEs
Time: May 12 - May 25, 2024
Venue: Lecture Hall, Jiayibing Building, Jingchunyuan 82, BICMR
Additional research seminars given by Hong-Bin Chen (IHES) and Shizan Fang (de Bourgogne & NYUSH).
Main courses and research seminars from 13—17 May and on 20 May.
Free discussions from 21—25 May.
Course 1:
Lecturers: Giuseppe Cannizzaro and Fabio Toninelli
Title: Large-scale behavior of (super-)critical stochastic PDEs
Abstract: This course will focus on some singular stochastic PDEs (SPDEs) motivated by out-of-equilibrium statistical physics, in particular driven diffusive systems and stochastic interface growth. We will deal with equations that are "critical" or "super-critical", for which scaling or Renormalization group arguments suggest a Gaussian limit for large space-time scales (with logarithmic corrections to diffusivity in the critical dimension). In particular, this class includes the "Anisotropic KPZ equation" in dimension d=2 and the stochastic Burgers equation in dimension $d\ge 2$. We will explain how a careful analysis of the generator of the processes allows to prove Gaussian scaling limits in the super-critical case, and in the critical case in the weak-coupling regime.
Course 2:
Lecturers: Francesco Caravenna, Rongfeng Sun and Nikos Zygouras
Title: The critical 2d stochastic heat flow and related modelsAbstract: In these lectures, we review recent progress in the study of the stochastic heat equation (SHE) and its discrete analogue, the directed polymer model (DPM), in the critical spatial dimension 2. A phase transition exists on an intermediate disorder scale, with Gaussian (Edwards-Wilkinson) fluctuations in the sub-critical regime. In the critical window, a unique scaling limit has been identified and is called the critical 2d stochastic heat flow (SHF), which gives a meaning to the solution of the SHE in the critical dimension 2 that lies beyond existing solution theories for singular SPDEs. We will outline the proof ideas for these results and explain the key ingredients.
Research talks:
Speaker: Hong-Bin Chen
Title: Dynamic polymers: invariant measures and ordering by noise
Abstract: Gibbs measures describing directed polymers in random potential are tightly related to the stochastic Burgers/KPZ/heat equations. One of the basic questions is: do the local interactions of the polymer chain with the random environment and with itself define the macroscopic state uniquely for these models? We consider polymer dynamics in 1+1 dimension as a stochastic gradient flow and we explore the connection of this question with ergodic properties of the dynamics. After establishing the phenomenon of ordering by noise, we prove that, for a fixed asymptotic slope, the polymer dynamics has a unique invariant distribution given by the unique infinite volume polymer measure. This is based on a joint work with Yuri Bakhtin.
Speaker: Shizan Fang
Title: Navier-Stokes equation and geometric interpretation
Abstract: We will give a geometric meaning for the helicity and the strain tensor associated to the Navier-Stokes equation.
Registration (The deadline is May 7. )