Fall School on Quantum Computing
Time: September 23 - September 28, 2023
Venue: Lecture Hall, Jiayibing Building, Jingchunyuan 82, BICMR
Welcome to the Fall School on Quantum Computing! We are excited to have you join us for this immersive week of learning all about the fundamentals and applications of quantum computing.
This workshop will kick off with a half-day tutorial going over the basics of quantum computing. Whether you're new to quantum computing or looking for a refresher, this tutorial will ensure we're all on the same page before diving into more advanced topics.
The workshop will then continue with three topic courses taught by experts in their respective fields:
●Hamiltonian Simulation and Quantum Walks
●Quantum Eigensolvers on Quantum Computers
●Open Quantum Systems in Quantum Computing
Through lectures and discussions, these courses will provide an in-depth exploration of current research and open challenges in applying quantum computing to solve meaningful problems in various fields. We're thrilled to have you take part in these learning opportunities and connect with fellow researchers passionate about quantum computing.
日期 |
上午 |
下午 |
晚上 |
9-23 周六 |
8:30-10:00教程 李彤阳 10:00-10:30 茶歇 10:30-12:00 教程 李彤阳 |
自由讨论 |
自由讨论 |
9-25 周一 |
9:30-10:00 茶歇 10:00-12:00 课程1:李彤阳 |
15:00-17:00 课程2:李颖洲 |
自由讨论 |
9-26 周二 |
9:30-10:00 茶歇 10:00-12:00 课程1:李彤阳 |
自由讨论 |
自由讨论 |
9-27 周三 |
8:00-10:00 课程3:李显涛(线上) 10:00-10:30 茶歇 |
15:00-17:00 课程2:李颖洲 |
自由讨论 |
9-28 周四 |
8:00-10:00 课程3:李显涛(线上) 10:00-10:30 茶歇 |
自由讨论 |
自由讨论 |
教程:Basics of Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is a rapidly advancing research area. In this tutorial, I will give a (very) high-level introduction to the current status of quantum computing research. I will also introduce basic definitions, including quantum states, dynamics, composite systems, and quantum measurements.
课程1:Hamiltonian Simulation and Quantum Walks
Simulating the evolution of the Schrodinger equation is one of the most fundamental problems in quantum computing. In my lectures, I will introduce efficient quantum algorithms for quantum Hamiltonian simulation. I will then introduce continuous-time quantum walks, as well as an example demonstrating exponential separation between quantum computing and classical computing.
课程2:Quantum Eigensolvers on Quantum Computer
Near-term quantum computers will be limited in the number of qubits on which they can process information as well as the depth of the circuits that they can coherently carry out. A limited number of practical problems are expected to be addressed on quantum computers in the NISQ era. This talk will discuss one of such problems, i.e., the eigenvalue problems of quantum many-body systems. Several quantum eigensolver algorithms are discussed, including quantum phase estimation, quantum imaginary time evolution, variational quantum eigensolver, quantum orbital minimization method, etc.
课程3:Open Quantum Systems in Quantum Computing
主讲人:李显涛(Penn State University)
Quantum dynamics in real-world scenarios seldom stand alone; they occur under the continuous influence of surrounding environments. One important example is the quantum computers' gate operations, which are subject to environment noise. This noise can subsequently deviate the intended outcomes by the quantum algorithm. Consequently, the dynamics of open quantum systems describes a broader range of problems than the conventionally known time-dependent Schrödinger equation. This presentation will address the following questions:
●The Lindblad equation and its derivations;
●The theory of quantum trajectory;
●Stochastic Schrödinger equation and its connect to Lindblad equation;
●Approximation of Lindblad dynamics and quantum algorithms;
●Lindblad equation and quantum error mitigation.