New Mathematical Developments Arising from Ecology, Epidemiology and Environmental Science
Time: 2013-10-17
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Speaker(s): Robert Stephen Cantrell, Chris Cosner, Weinan E, Yuan Lou, Pingwen Zhang
Time: October 17 - October 20, 2013
Venue: Lecture Hall, Jiayibing Building, Jingchunyuan 82, BICMR
Emerging biological problems are bringing many interesting and challenging opportunities for new mathematics. This workshop will focus on recent mathematical developments in PDE and related models arising from Ecology, Epidemiology and Environmental Science. Both mathematical analysis and scientific computation will be emphasized in the talks. Biological and environmental topics of interest include bio-diversity issues, directed movement of organisms in heterogeneous landscapes, nonlocal dispersal of species, free boundary problems from ecology, spatial spread of disease, environmental sustainability and global change. This workshop aims to promote further synthesis between mathematical ecology, mathematical epidemiology and environmental sciences and to influence future research directions.
(1) Matthieu Alfaro, University of Montpellier
(2) Henri Berestycki, EHESS and University of Chicago
(3) Robert Stephen Cantrell, University of Miami
(4) Chris Cosner, University of Miami
(5) Jerome Coville, INRA
(6) Yihong Du, University of New England at Armidale
(7) Dan Hu, Shanghai Jiaotong University
(8) Jifa Jiang, Shanghai Normal University
(9) King-Yeung (Adrian) Lam, Ohio State University
(10) Bingtuan Li, University of Louisville
(11) Xin Liang, University of Science and Technology of China
(12) Gregoire Nadin, University Paris 6
(13) Shigui Ruan, University of Miami
(14) Wenxian Shen, Auburn University
(15) Junping Shi, College of William and Mary
(16) Hal Smith, Arizona State University
(17) Youshan Tao, Donghua University
(18) Wendi Wang, Southwest University
(19) Yaping Wu, Capital Normal University
(20) Yoshio Yamada, Waseda University
(21) Wen-an Yong, Tsinghua University
(22) Lei Zhang, City University of Hong Kong
(23) Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Memorial University of Newfoundland
(24) Dongzhuo Zhou, Shanghai Jiaotong University
(1) Matthieu Alfaro, University of Montpellier
(2) Henri Berestycki, EHESS and University of Chicago
(3) Robert Stephen Cantrell, University of Miami
(4) Chris Cosner, University of Miami
(5) Jerome Coville, INRA
(6) Yihong Du, University of New England at Armidale
(7) Dan Hu, Shanghai Jiaotong University
(8) Jifa Jiang, Shanghai Normal University
(9) King-Yeung (Adrian) Lam, Ohio State University
(10) Bingtuan Li, University of Louisville
(11) Xin Liang, University of Science and Technology of China
(12) Gregoire Nadin, University Paris 6
(13) Shigui Ruan, University of Miami
(14) Wenxian Shen, Auburn University
(15) Junping Shi, College of William and Mary
(16) Hal Smith, Arizona State University
(17) Youshan Tao, Donghua University
(18) Wendi Wang, Southwest University
(19) Yaping Wu, Capital Normal University
(20) Yoshio Yamada, Waseda University
(21) Wen-an Yong, Tsinghua University
(22) Lei Zhang, City University of Hong Kong
(23) Xiao-Qiang Zhao, Memorial University of Newfoundland
(24) Dongzhuo Zhou, Shanghai Jiaotong University