Feb. -Jul. I'm organizing a reading seminar on the first 5 Chapters on Lazarsfeld's book 'Positivity in algebraic geometry I'. Contact me if you are interested to attend. 

Jul. 1-12  Jason Starr is giving a series of lectures on 'rationally connected varieties'.  

Jul. 14 Tong Zhang (University of Alberta): Geography of varieties of large Albanese dimension.

Aug. 21 Zhiyu Tian (California Institute of Technology): Weak Approximation for Cubic hypersurfaces.

Sep. - Dec. There is a joint seminar between PKU, THU and Chinese Academia of Science which aims to understand Mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau. See the program.

Oct. 8-17 Claire Voisin (CNRS): Algebraic cycles and Hodge structures.

Nov. 27-Dec. 2 Benjamin Bakker (NYU): Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds.


May 27-29 Masayuki Kawakita (RIMS): Minimal log discrepancies and generic limits.

May 28 Yi Zhu (University of Utah): A-1 connectedness varieties.

Jul. 21-23 Lie Fu (ENS de Paris): Intersection theory of projective hyperkahler varieties.

Jul. 21-25 Valery Alexeev (University of Georgia): Compact moduli spaces of weighted hyperplane arrangements.


Mar.-Jun. Evgeny Mayanskiy and I are organizing a reading seminar on deformation theory, see the webpage. 

Mar.-Jun.  Baohua Fu, Eduard Looijenga and I are organizing a reading seminar on geometry of cubic threefolds and fourfolds.

Apr.1-15 Olivier Benoist (CNRS) : Integral decomposition of the diagonal and application.

Apr. 29 Yujiro Kawamata (University of Tokyo): Derived McKay Correspondence for finite abelian group quotients.  

May 10 Beijing Algebraic Geometry Colloquium: First meeting. Speaker: Lawrence Ein and Hélène Esnault.

May 14 Chen Jiang (University of Tokyo): Boundedness of anti-canonical volumes of singular log Fano threefolds. 

May 14 Tong Zhang (University of Alberta): Relative Clifford’s Theorem for fibered varieties by Curves.

Jun. 8-14 Morgan Brown (University of Michigan): A mini-course on Berkovich spaces.

Jul. 10-13 Zhiyuan Li (Stanford University): Special cycles on Shimura varieties.

Jul. 11-14 Zhiyu Tian (CNRS and Université Joseph-Fourier-Grenoble): Varieties with large fundamental group.

Nov. 21 Beijing Algebraic Geometry Colloquium: Third meeting. 


Apr. 9 Beijing Algebraic Geometry Colloquium: Fifth meeting.

Jul. 4-15  Reading group on Stable Rationality and Chow Decomposition.


Mar. 13-18 Tianyuan Advanced Seminar on the Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry.

May 5-7 BICMR-Tokyo Algebraic Workshop. 

Aug. 28-Sep. 1 Boundedness, Stability and Fano varieties.