This is for students who are thinking about doing an undergraduate research program with me. 

Some reading materials: 

Classical books

1. “Introduction to Algebraic Curves” (Griffiths)

One can get flavours of algebraic geometry by reading this small book, which doesn’t require too much background. There is a Chinese version. 

2. “Singular points of complex hypersurfaces” (Milnor)

It’s on complex geometry and has a nice geometric style. 

3. “Introduction to commutative algebra” (Atiyah & Macdonald)

This gives a necessary commutative algebraic background for any further reading on algebraic geometry.

4. “Basic Algebraic Geometry I” (Shafarevich)

The first volume doesn’t need too much abstract machinery. It’s a good starting point for a long journey. 

More modern Stuff

Kollár’s articles 1 and 2 about basic structure theory of algebraic varieties.